What can you do?
First, please pay your dues in a timely manner. According to our ByLaws, dues are requested to be paid by May 31st. This is so the Board has can budget for plantings and have cash available for irrigation and landscape maintenance during the summer months.
Did you notice that we didn’t plant fall annuals in our beautiful pots on the bridge and at the Hearst Castle entrance until late last year? This is because we didn’t have the funds to do that until a number of residents paid their dues in the last quarter. Paying your dues by May 31st allows the Board a chance to optimize budget decisions for the year. Remember, all dues go directly to the support of our neighborhood. HOA Board Members are all EFC homeowners and volunteers and never receive compensation for their time.
Second, we need volunteers to help the Board. I know everyone is busy, but we have only 10 of our over 500 residents volunteering their time. For example, we are in URGENT NEED of a Secretary for the Board to maintain minutes and help disperse information to you, our residents.
We need also help with the online newsletter because our Newsletter Editor is stepping down next year. Our new Social Committee Chairperson, Brian DeLuca, is seeking committee members to help plan our social(s), and there is currently no one working on our Government Affairs committee to liaison with the City of Plano or help apply for city grants to help fund beautification projects.
You can see these and other volunteer opportunities when you log into your Homeowner account on our website (www.efchoa.com) to update your contact information and pay your 2023 dues.