Despite all preventive measures, canine influenza has led to temporary changes at the Plano Animal Shelter. One dog's cough, discovered Jan. 17, has spread to all but four of the 102 dogs currently being housed.
In response to this outbreak, all owner surrender appointments have been canceled and at-large dogs will be picked up only as a last resort. Also, due to the highly contagious nature of the disease, no dogs will be allowed to leave the shelter via adoption, fostering or other means until further notice. Plano Animal Services feels it is irresponsible to put potentially sick dogs out into the community when it would likely spread the disease to dogs in neighboring households.
Canine influenza, an airborne disease, is most contagious during the incubation period when dogs are exhibiting no symptoms. They may still be contagious for up to 20 days post infection. Fortunately, canine influenza has never had a reported case of transmission to a human.
If you are a dog owner, Plano Animal Services strongly encourages you to contact a veterinarian to discuss getting a canine influenza vaccination for your pet. If your dog has unusual coughing, lethargy or other signs of an upper respiratory illness, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.