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Originally delivered on 5/24/2024 1:09 pm

SUBJECT: EFC HOA - Beautification Updates

Beautification Updates - May 2024
From our Beautification Director

Welcome to my first Newsletter update as Beautification Director.  
Jeri Lou and I moved in almost 4 years ago when we found the neighborhood by riding our bikes with the intent of finding the friendliest neighborhood we could find in Plano.  Many homes had gardens and we became fast friends as we picked up tips from the locals.  This led to Kristen Kerwin asking me to join the board to pick up her role after contributing for many years (I love the purple Asters that she brought to the medians).  My first learning when joining the board is that we are a “Voluntary HOA”.  Which means we aren’t here to issue violations about what to do with your yard.  We volunteer our time for taking care of the common areas and coordinate connections for a vibrant community.  BTW, if you have already made a designated donation to the beautification fund, thank you.  If you haven’t yet, or would like to provide some additional help, your contribution is the most direct path to creating a budget for the flowers in the beds.  Any level of donation is greatly appreciated and has an immediate impact. Be sure to join us for our first 30-minute Beautification Meet-Up at 8:45 am on Saturday, June 8th, for a sweet surprise for the first 20 attendees! It will be at 7601 Twelve Oaks (at Hearst Castle) in the circle driveway in front by the elephant.

Paul McKinney


We are aware of the problem that the hail damage caused to many of our 44 ornate streetlamps.  While Oncor maintains the light bulbs and has made repairs as best they can over the years, it turns out that we own these.  The parts are no longer available, so with the help of Owen Ryan (Vice President), Paul McKinney (Beautification Director), and Allen Dana (Awesome Friend of Forest Creek), we are working on some custom inserts at Dallas Maker Space.  You may see us trying out a couple of products over the next few months for durability, light diffusion, and cost.  If you happen to own a bucket lift, let us know.


Amy with Ready, Set Grow changed out the pot plantings at the bridge. We stretched the $3K budget for Annual Color used at the entrances to cover as many of the islands and the entrances to Hearst Castle and Hogan Manor that needed attention.  The goal was to clean up and expand many of the beds, plant drought tolerant plants (Gaura/Butterfly weed, Yucca, and Lantana) that come back every year.  We also planted some Zinnia’s for color and spread some mulch to most of the beds (hardwoods with no dyes). Thanks to Jeri Lou McKinney for design, negotiating plants at wholesale, and supervising the efforts.  Thanks also goes to Alberto and team with AVenturo Lawn services for doing way more than we ask with a very limited budget.  You will find him around the neighborhood as he contributes to many of our yards/gardens.  (If you are looking for a new lawn service you can reach Alberto at 214.780.9130).


Did you know that our annual budget for Maintenance and Repair is $3K, with last year’s water bill just a bit over $7K?  Our system has 5 separate controllers with more than 500 heads keeping our common areas alive.  John Caldwell has played dodge car for many years in keeping as many of the heads working as possible with weekly walk throughs and manually adjusting the controllers each time it looks like we might have rain (THANK YOU!!!).  With the new plants in place this last week, it was a big enough job that we brought in help to repair 4 main lines and fix 40+ spray heads.  We now have everything working for the moment except a few zones on north Coit.  We used an independent Luis Reyna and his very experienced team of 4 people over two days to get it all working again.   Should you need help with your system, Luis works weekends and evenings and is available at 469.245.3317. 

Pro-tips (how you can help)

Make a Donation: you can register and pay as a member by clicking here and selecting Beautification in addition to your membership.  Or you can make a direct donation to beautification via ZELLE to  Remember that donations are tax deductible.

Mow and Blow: If you don’t mow yourself, please make your yard service is aware that they need to pick up leaves and debris and haul away what they might blow into the street or up onto the islands. It sometimes builds up in the base of many of our plants and becomes a home for insects and rots the plant.  We will make sure to not do the same on the care of the islands as well.  On this last cleanup we made 5 trips to the dump and last year there were 120+ bags picked up.

Water Conservation: If you see a sprinkler head acting wonky or see a geyser, please text Paul McKinney (972.345.3779) immediately so we can repair it.  Most of these heads are fed by a 2” line (4X the size of most of those in your yard), so we can lose a lot of water fast.

Trees:  Anything in the common areas over 8’ tall is maintained by the city at no direct cost to us.  You just need to let us know if there is something that needs attention. 

Click Here to Make a Beautification Donation
FUTURE EFFORTS (depends on funding)
  • City Grants- Last December board member, Ranneh Kayfan, championed the application for a program that the city offers to help with new beautification.  We’ve made it through the first couple of hurdles.  This is another time that’s it’s great to be a volunteer organization because we get a much larger fund matching from the city.  More to come in future updates. 
  • Applying mulch will be done at least once a year. It looks nicer and keeps the weeds down.
  • Much of our grass areas are no longer grass (mostly clover/weeds).  We will be doing some organic fertilizer and looking to replace some of this.
  • Sprinklers – there’s more to do to improve the design. 
  • Pressure wash the bridge and signage at the entrances.
  • There's an entire bed of monkey grass plowed under on the 3rd island. We believe that we might save it if we act now.  If we can generate an additional $700 in donations, Alberto will clean up the beds and save as many of the 300 plants as possible, apply mulch and over the next couple of months return these to health. 
  • Continue Sprinkler maintenance and determine if there’s a way to replace controllers with something networked and more automated to conserve water and make us aware of leaks.  
  • Benches – we are going to replace and consider some additional locations.
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