Board Members 2025 (Last updated - Jan 2025)
To email a Board member, click their position title
President - Erica Tuscano
Vice President -Steve Feil
Treasurer - Ron Harabis
Secretary - Kathie Kankel
Beautification Director - Maston Kucheki
Membership Director - Jennifer Johnson
Hospitality Director - Ranneh Kayfan
In addition, the following people have agreed to serve in appointed HOA positions. If you would like to join a committee, contact our secretary at
Crime Watch Coordinator - Coco Peisner
Government Affairs - Owen Ryan
Social Committee Chair - Brian DeLuca
Irrigation Inspection/Minor Repairs - John Caldwell
Membership Toolkit Support - Kathie Kankel
Newsletter Editor - Becky Bird
Season's Best Committee - Kathy Bankhead, Bryan and Janet Bulloch
Seasonal Decorations Coordinator - open